
Free VBA macros for Microsoft® Outlook®. Get more than 100 ready-to-use scripts, or use the samples as a template for your own programming.

Determine the "identity" of your emails. Set with SAM the sender and the folder folder for sent items with the help of rules.

18 sample(s) found for Contacts

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Add date at the cursor position

This macro is useful if you want to add a new note, for instance, to a contact or task.

Last modified: 2019/06/13

GetSelectNamesDialog Pre-fill Search Box

Do you want to add some convenience for your users? See how to fill-in the search box of the address book by code.

Last modified: 2018/11/20

Add Birthday

This macro adds the birthdays of your contacts to the calendar.

Last modified: 2018/01/22

Open Selected Items

This is a macro to open all selected items.

Last modified: 2017/01/31

Bulk Edit Contacts

In this sample we change the company name for multiple contacts at once.

Last modified: 2016/12/06

Join Appointment Item with Contact Data

This sample demonstrates how to look up a contact you have a meeting with, and display its mailing address with the appointment item.

Last modified: 2015/09/07

Copy Multiline Addresses

This VBA sample copies multi-line text, for instance the mailing address from an email signature, as a single line into the clipboard.

Last modified: 2015/08/14

Copy Contacts from Access to Outlook

With a few lines of code you can copy recordsets from an Access database to Outlook.

Last modified: 2015/08/06

Join Email with Contact Data

This sample demonstrates how to look up the sender of an email and display its contact data in the inbox.

Last modified: 2015/03/30

Remove Brackets from Call Number

Outlook 2013 adds automatically brackets around the area code. This script deletes the brackets.

Last modified: 2015/03/10

Link a Contact Item to Other Items

This sample explains the Links property, which is used to join any item (task item, contact item, etc.) with other items.

Last modified: 2014/02/26

Format Telephone Numbers

A sample for how to consistently format the phone numbers of your contacts.

Last modified: 2013/12/24

Sort Contacts by Birthday

This script creates a birthday list correctly sorted by day and month, and ignoring the year of birth.

Last modified: 2013/02/01

Confirm an Appointment by Email

Right click an appointment in your calendar, and send a confirmation to its linked contacts.

Last modified: 2010/08/24

Directly Enter a Category Name

Before Outlook 2007, you could directly add a category to an item without saving it to the master category list. For Outlook 2007 and up this macro gives you that feature back.

Last modified: 2009/12/15

Assign a Form to an Item

Tell Outlook to use your custom form instead of the default form to display an item.

Last modified: 2009/09/23

Edit the Internet Format for a Contact

This macro allows you to determine the format (plain, html, rtf) to be used for sending emails for each of the three email addresses of a contact.

Last modified: 2006/09/11

Flag a Contact For Follow-Up

With VBA is's possible to flag even contacts for follow-up and set a reminder.

Last modified: 2006/01/19

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